Model 601 Hydrostatic Articulating Grader

Hydrostatic Articulating Grader
Model 601(L)

Our Model 601(L) has an 8' by 16' Moldboard with 2 Side Shift and Hydraulic Blade Tilt. With 45 degree Front -Wheel Power Steering and other high-tech features, you'll be guaranteed increased productivity on the job.

equipment features


Length:16' 9"

Width:5' 8"

Height:7' 6"

Weight:6400 lbs

Fluid Capacities:

Fuel:12 US gallons

Hydraulic:14 US gallons


40° front wheel power steering. Articulates 20° left or right from center.


49.5 hp Kubota water-cooled 4 cylinder

Tire Size:

10-16.5 10 ply rating

Optional 12-16.5 10 ply rating

Drive System:

4 wheel hydrostatic drive

Travel speed 0-3.5 low/ 0-8 high


4 teeth, 24" rip width

Replaceable tips


Size:8' wide x 16" high


Cut Depth:5"


Side Shift:24"

Blade Angle:40° left or right from center

Blade Type:1/2" X 6" X 6" reversible

Specs for Optional Loader System:

9' 6" lift height

Universal Quick-Attach Tool Bar

12-GPM remote hydraulic circuit

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